Saving Our Ancient Woodlands And Trees - The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

Today, less than 2% of the UK's Landmass is classed as Ancient Woodland. In England Woodland is Categorised as "ancient" if it has existed since 1600AD and predates the time when planting became more common (Laura Briggs, The Ecologist 2016 : ) Ancient Woodlands and Trees have been around for decades, even centuries. They have lived long enough to see things we couldn't and long enough to be the homes of so many living beings. Photo Credit: Woodland Trust That's right! We humans are not the only living beings around! We are not the only ones who feel, who have emotions, who love and who have families. Photo Credit: Woodland Trust We are not the only ones trying to survive in this world. But we have the ability to understand that we are the only ones destroying the homes of so many living creatures who have done nothing to hurt us....